About this Guide

If you would like to develop new games, or parts of Jao, the System Guide will tell you where everything is in the code base and how things work together.


For the main parts of Jao and how they fit together, please see the Gaining Understanding section of the Installation Guide. Further system documentation will assume the reader has read this information.

There are a few clients that have been written at different points in the development of Jao. These are found in net.supermathie.jao.client. Jao and JaoGUI are AWT based and form the basic original GUI client. JaoSwing is the most up-to-date client. JaoCUI was originally written as the primary client for visually impaired users, however, the character input required was not effective enough on the Windows platform where it was originally targetted. It is intended to make the Swing client accessible in this way.

These clients leave much to be desired in terms of object-oriented programming and MVC, as much of the earliest code (1997) is in the clients. The server has been reworked and represents the newest efforts, although much code still remains from Jao's earliest days.

The JaoInterface abstract class represents the minimum requirements for providing an interface to play Jao. The word "interface" in this context is more akin to "graphical user interface" than "Java interface". A client which implements this interface has much of the low-level work, especially messaging and protocol concerns, taken care of. New Swing based clients should be based on JaoSwing, and new computer players should be based on JaoTI, the Jao Test Interface.

The server normally runs on port 4242 and uses Java object serialization as the mechanism for communication. The protocol is an implementation of two-way asynchronous messaging. The messages that are passed are instances of net.supermathie.jao.shared.Message. They may contain zero or more instances of any serializable class. Zero or more integers and Strings can also be sent with no class casting overhead. The protocol allows for two-way communication through a firewall, as sending and receiving messages are completely separated and can occur in any fashion. The server could, in theory, start sending a message back to a client halfway through the client sending a message to the server. In order to keep the connection open, the client will send a "ping" message if no other messages have been sent in a configurable amount of time (10 seconds). The server will ping a client every 10 seconds and keep track of the timing. This information is sent out to all clients in the same game or in the lobby.

Managing a JaoServer

To start the server, run the start-server.bat or start-server.sh script. The JaoServer will load the saved rulesets and single rules (if any have been saved). If the rules can't be loaded, it will automatically load a ruleset for Screw Your Neighbour. Because the rules are stored using Java serialization, recompiling the classes can cause a failure in loading them. At some point they will have a serial version UID set on them, or an alternate method will be used for saving them. Each ruleset describes the rules for a particular card game. Single rules are added to mutable games, such as those based on Mao. These can be sent to the server, and the server will serialize them to "TheRules" file on shutdown. To look at how to send new rulesets to a JaoServer, refer to the RuleSetGenerator class. A JaoServer is properly shutdown by typing "shutdown" and enter at the console. It will let all the connected clients know it is shutting down, allow for a period of time, and then terminate all connections. If there are no running clients, there is no waiting time, and the server shuts down immediately. The rulesets and single rules are then saved via serialization to "TheRules" file.

Originally it was planned that rulesets could only be changed by the IP address they were originally sent from. However, in these days of dynamic IPs that is no longer possible. The RuleSetWrapper class holds an IP address (which is always and so, effectively, any ruleset or rule can be overridden. Some sort of security model is needed: perhaps a user ID/password combination is sufficient, with the addition of a hash to defeat replay attacks.

The commands "decks" and "commands" can also be issued at the console. These will display the available decks and the messaging types the JaoServer supports. The use of the word "command" in this context refers to the "Command" design pattern[citation needed]. The decks and commands are loaded from the jao-conf.xml file in the server-config directory.


When the JaoServer recieves a message, the message type is examined and a handler, called a "command", is selected and executed on that message. These commands are found in net.supermathie.jao.server.command.

The net.supermathie.jao.shared.Messenger class provides the basics of the Jao protocol that are used by both the client and the server. Some of this code predates JDK 1.1 and thus there are a substantial number of synchronization primitives that have been created. In particular, the order in which threads are notified when sleeping on a monitor did not use to be guaranteed. As such, there is a Hashtable so that only one thread will ever wait on a condition. However, all known JREs wake threads up in a FIFO order and the documentation now mandates the ordering, meaning that much of this code is now unnecessary.

The net.supermathie.jao.shared.MessengerServer class provides the implementation of the server side of the Jao protocol. The net.supermathie.jao.shared.MessengerClient class provides the implementation of the client side of the Jao protocol.


To create new rulesets, refer to the net.supermathie.jao.server.RuleSetGenerator class. This class creates a few different rulesets and sends them to the server. It was originally intended that rulesets could be added and changed while the server is running. The initial implementation of Jao was such that the classes were "loose" on the server (not in a JAR file), and so new classes could be created on the server and be picked up by running clients. However, a JAR file is much more easily deployed to the server and can be compressed, reducing the time it takes a browser to load a client for Jao. It may be that the possibility of having dynamic code deployed during a game will no longer be possible or perhaps the creation of a custom class loader may yet provide this functionality. At present, there are no mutable games supported (where new rules requiring new code are created during play) and so this problem is not an immediate concern.

Screw Your Neighbour is an instance of net.supermathie.jao.shared.TrickTakingRuleSet. Trick taking games taking advantage of this class have basic support for determining the winner of a trick and also validation to ensure players follow suit.

Support for mutable games is envisioned. In the net.supermathie.jao.shared package see ActionRule, AdditionalPenaltyCardRule, BiddingRule, CardRule, DiscardRule, OrderRule, PenaltyCardRule, SuitChangeRule and TrickRule. Screw Your Neighbour uses BR1 and TrickRule in that package. Also see RuleSet.PropertyRuleSet.